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22/07/2015 | By Dr. Mercola
Drinking Chamomile Tea
Organic teas can be a rich source of beneficial compounds like polyphenols and flavonoids, which have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties...
22/07/2015 | octavio Gomez
Benefits of Lemongrass Tea
A breezy evening, a great book, some crisp cookies and a steaming hot cup of lemongrass tea - what else could one want? A refreshing beverage,
22/07/2015 | Ricky Anderson
Moringa tea cleanse
Detoxification can aid in protecting you from various chronic and acute health conditions. This activity can replenish the body’s ability to maintain good health
22/07/2015 | Nelumbo nucifera
Pink Lotus Flower and Buddhism
Apart from its majestic beauty, the pink lotus (Nelumbo nucifera, formerly known as Nymphaea nelumbo) is held sacred because of the mystical
24/07/2015 | Dr.Chris
Blue Lotus : The Entheogen of Ancient Egypt
For over 3000 years the Blue Lotus was used by priesthood of ancient Egypt for its medicinal properties and as a spiritual sacrament